HEALTH ACCESS TO QUALITY HEALTH SERVICES TO REDUCE INFANT AND MATERNAL DEATH WaterThematic AreaAgricultureThematic AreaEducationThematic Area Availability /provision of delivery kits as per policy ie a simple delivery kit contains: 1 Observant Disposable delivery Mat.1 Infant receiver2 Pairs of sterile gloves2 Card clamps1 Mucus extractor1 Scapel blade1 Bottle of methylated spirit1 Antiseptic soap1 Pack of cotton wool1 Bottle of Oil1 Bottle of disinfectant5 Pieces of Gauze10 Pieces of maternity pads Availabilty of dispensaries in each villages and health centre in each ward as per policy Availability of electricity / or power sources and water in health centres and dispensary Availability of incenerator in health centres and dispensaries for disposing card placentas and other birth remains Availability of maternal health facilities eg material wards and beds. Availability of qualified and sufficient medical experts in health centres and dispensaries